Is It Possible To Dream of Past Lives?
Dream Interpretation​
September 29, 2023

Is It Possible To Dream of Past Lives?

The relationship between dreams and past-life visions is a topic that is often explored by those who hold beliefs in reincarnation and the existence of past lives. According to these beliefs, dreams can serve as a gateway to accessing memories or glimpses of past lives. Proponents of the idea of past-life visions through dreams argue that during sleep, when the conscious mind is at rest, the subconscious mind can potentially tap into the reservoir of past-life memories. They suggest that dreams may contain fragments or symbolic representations of experiences from previous incarnations.

In this perspective, individuals who have vivid dreams or recurring dream themes that depict unfamiliar places, people, or time periods might interpret these dreams as glimpses into their past lives. They may believe that these dreams provide insight into their past-life identities, experiences, or relationships.

Beliefs Regarding Reincarnation

The continuation of consciousness after death remains a mystery. Reincarnation is a belief held by many cultures worldwide, and there have been intriguing accounts of individuals recalling past lives. According to this belief, we go through multiple lifetimes, each offering unique lessons. With each new birth, we temporarily forget our previous lives, starting with a clean slate devoid of past baggage. Buddhism, for example, considers sleep as a transitional phase that prepares us for death, akin to awakening to a new day each morning.

Various theories exist regarding the cycle of life and death. Some liken life to a video game, where we assume a new avatar with each playthrough. Dreams, if past lives indeed exist, serve as a potential means to access hidden knowledge and tap into that realm.

Studies indicate that approximately half of the global population and 33% of Americans believe in reincarnation or some form of afterlife. The belief in reincarnation is particularly prevalent among Hindus (nearly a billion followers) and Buddhists (over half a billion followers). However, a significant number of people accept the limitations of our understanding and acknowledge uncertainty regarding what happens to consciousness after death. The question of our mortality and existence has been an existential conversation throughout human history.

While it may remain unanswered, dreams offer a glimpse into the unconscious and serve as a tool for inspiration and potential clues.

Childhood Nightmares

Case studies of children who claim to remember past lives have been a subject of interest and investigation in the field of reincarnation research. These cases involve young children who spontaneously recall detailed information about a purported previous life, often providing verifiable details that they could not have acquired through normal means. Many of these cases involve detailed recurring nightmares of traumatic death experiences. While these accounts are anecdotal and controversial, they have intrigued researchers and generated discussions about the nature of consciousness, memory, and the possibility of reincarnation.

One of the pioneering researchers in this field was Dr. Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist and parapsychologist. He conducted extensive investigations into past life memories reported by children from various parts of the world. Stevenson documented numerous cases where children made claims about previous lives and provided information that, upon investigation, seemed to match specific individuals who had died before the child's birth. The reported dream memories often included detailed descriptions of people, places, events, and even specific names or personal details.

In many instances, the children's claims were confirmed through interviews, testimonies, and documentation from the families of the deceased individuals. Stevenson and his colleagues employed meticulous research methods, including verifying the accuracy of the information provided by the children and conducting interviews with multiple witnesses. They also attempted to rule out other possible explanations, such as fraud, suggestion, or confabulation.

These cases often involve strong emotional connections, as children may express a longing for their "previous" family or show strong affinities toward certain places or objects associated with the claimed past life. Some children also display behaviors, skills, or knowledge that seem to correspond to the alleged past life, which they had no opportunity to learn in their current life.

Critics of these studies argue that the reported memories could be attributed to normal childhood fantasy, fabrication, or cultural influences. They also point out the potential for unintentional suggestions from family members or researchers during the investigative process. Some also suggest that the similarities between the child's claims and the deceased individuals' lives could be mere coincidences.

Despite the controversy surrounding these cases, proponents of reincarnation research argue that they provide intriguing evidence suggestive of the possibility of past life memories. They believe that such accounts warrant further exploration and rigorous scientific investigation.

More research is needed to understand the phenomena and evaluate the validity of these claims in a systematic and controlled manner.

Why Are Such Memories More Common Among Children?

Children's brains spend more time in the theta state. Sometimes the so called past-life dreams diminish in frequency as children age and eventually, they may cease coming altogether. Theta waves are strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness. It reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep and relates to the subconscious mind. Theta waves are also associated with the dream state and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is more prominent in children. This may point to possible reasons why young children could be more able to tap into these hidden dream memories.

A Child Dreaming - Is It Possible To Dream of Past Lives?

Other Beliefs & Reincarnation

In the context of reincarnation, it is believed that the soul, after death, can be reborn into a new body. Proponents of this belief suggest that certain physical characteristics, such as birthmarks, may correspond to injuries or distinctive marks from previous incarnations. They propose that birthmarks could be remnants or imprints of past-life experiences. Similarly, phobias are thought to be connected to past-life traumas. According to this belief, intense fears or phobias that persist without an apparent cause in the current life may be associated with traumatic experiences or events from previous incarnations. It is suggested that these unresolved traumas manifest as irrational fears in the present life.

It is important to note that the association between birthmarks, phobias, and reincarnation is not scientifically supported and remains a matter of personal belief and interpretation. Scientifically, birthmarks are commonly attributed to various factors such as genetics, prenatal development, or random occurrences, while phobias are understood to stem from a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.

While individuals who believe in reincarnation may find personal significance in birthmarks and phobias as potential connections to past lives, it is essential to approach these claims with critical thinking and a recognition of the lack of empirical evidence supporting such beliefs.

Do You Have Past-Life Dreams?

Dreams are often immersive, emotional and realistic narratives where we can see many dreamscapes, and even live another life. They could also be linked to previous dreams or previous life situations, creating this “déjà-vu” effect which tends to make us look for more spiritual meanings.

According to reincarnation proponents, there are a few unusual characteristics of supposed past-life dreams that can help you determine where it is coming from. Firstly, if the dream feels more spiritual and intimately connected to you, it could suggest a glimpse into a previous existence. Secondly, they argue that experiencing your own death within the dream could be another indication of a potential past life memory. Additionally, if the dream has been recurring since childhood, it may be a sign of past life recall. The presence of vivid details and intense emotions in the dream may also point toward past-life connections.

It's worth mentioning that these elements can also be explained by the current state of research, as recurrent and intense dreams are common in childhood due to many factors.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Practitioners who specialize in past life regression use various techniques and approaches to guide individuals into exploring their past lives through dreams or altered states of consciousness. Past life regression is based on the belief that individuals have lived multiple lives in the past and that accessing these memories can provide insight, healing, and personal growth.

During a past life regression session, the practitioner typically induces a relaxed state in the client through techniques like guided visualization, deep breathing, or hypnosis. The goal is to help the client access their subconscious mind, where past life memories are believed to reside. Once the client is in a receptive state, the practitioner may use suggestive language or specific prompts to guide them through the process. This can involve asking questions about their surroundings, emotions, relationships, or significant events in their past life. The client then describes their experiences and memories as they unfold, often in the form of vivid dreams or detailed visualizations.

Many people also use dreamwork to explore the possibilities of previous lives. This can be done by setting the intention every night to dream of a past life. This can also be done through lucid dream exploration. While lucid in a dream, you can ask the dream to show you who you were in a previous lifetime.


Despite some intriguing reports, the claim to be able to live multiple lifetimes is lacking scientific support and evidence. It is far from being proven, as it's a very difficult subject to study. What we do know is that dreams feels mysterious, can be incredibly vivid, and have left people longing for interpretations for thousands of years.

It is not possible to say if you have past-life dreams. However, it is open to personal beliefs and interpretation, and the possibility of past-life dreams can't be ruled out. In the end, what you believe may be more important than what's currently accepted by the current state of research —as long as it drives you upwards and is not harmful to you.

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Amina Mara
Amina is a lucid dreaming expert and the host of The Dream World Podcast.
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