How to Lucid Dream With Oniri
Lucid Dreams​
September 4, 2023

How to Lucid Dream With Oniri

Looking to have more frequent lucid dreams? Discover how the Oniri app can enhance your lucid dreaming journey and serve as a valuable companion.

Lucid dreaming is an accessible practice that allows anyone to become aware of their dreams while they unfold. With this awareness, you can take control of your dreams and engage in exciting experiences. In today's world, there is an app for almost everything, and lucid dreaming is no exception. Among the multitude of lucid dreaming apps available, Oniri stands out as an app designed by lucid dreamers, offering various features to aid in achieving lucid dreams and improving dream recall. Let's dive into the app's remarkable features.

Dream Journal

At the heart of Oniri lies its dream journal feature—a secure space to record and preserve your dreams. Dream journaling plays a crucial role in lucid dreaming as it enhances dream recall, a fundamental step towards achieving lucidity. Not only does it help in recalling dreams, but it also allows for the exploration of past dreams, establishing connections, and recollecting otherwise forgotten details. It is most effective to document dreams immediately upon waking while they are still fresh in your memory, as the passage of time diminishes how much you remember.

What sets Oniri apart is its ability to organize and analyze dreams. The app prompts you to record prominent emotions and dream symbols, which prove invaluable in learning to induce lucid dreams. By recognizing these symbols, you increase your chances of identifying them within the dream, leading to lucid awareness. Dream symbols include people, objects, characters, places, themes, and actions.

Spotting dream signs plays a significant role in acquiring the skill of lucid dreaming. These signs act as cues, triggering the realization that you may be in a dream. By paying attention to dream signs and diligently maintaining a dream journal, you heighten your awareness of them, thereby increasing the occurrence of lucid dreams.

For moments when typing feels too tiring, Oniri offers a voice recording feature—a convenient way to recall dreams without needing to leave your bed or expend excessive mental energy. Check out our other article that goes into more detail on the benefits of keeping a dream journal.

Dream Journal - How to Lucid Dream

Dream Goals

Having clear goals in mind is an essential aspect of learning how to lucid dream. Consider what you would like to accomplish during your lucid dreams and keep it in the back of your mind. Many individuals experience a sense of shock, excitement or nervousness during their initial lucid dreams. Having predefined dream goals proves helpful in maintaining focus and making the most of your lucid experiences. To ensure preparedness when you do achieve lucidity, it is crucial to have a dream plan in place. By formulating a dream plan, you establish a roadmap for your lucid dream, preventing aimless wandering and enabling you to maximize your time within the dream world.

Oniri has a section to keep track of all your dream goals, and you can check them off once completed. If you need inspiration on all the amazing things you can do in a lucid dream, check out our article about 10 things to try in a lucid dream.

Dream Goal - Oniri App


Over the years, numerous techniques have been developed to help people in achieving lucidity during dreams. Since different techniques work for different individuals, it is good to experiment and identify the methods that resonate most effectively with you. Oniri offers a range of proven techniques for inducing lucid dreams. Let's explore a few of them.

Reality Checks

Reality-checking is one of the most important aspects of lucid dreaming. Throughout the day, you should ask yourself whether you’re awake or dreaming.  Oniri features built-in reality check reminders to help you cultivate this habit. When you get the notification, you should perform a reality check.

A reality check is an exercise that, when executed correctly, leads to the realization that you are dreaming within the dream itself. Throughout the day, find opportunities to genuinely test your surroundings, discerning between dreams and reality. You may pinch yourself, count your fingers, attempt to breathe while holding your nose shut—anything that might behave differently within a dream. The more frequently you practice reality checks, the more likely you are to perform them within a dream, prompting lucid awareness.

Utilizing dream symbols as triggers for reality checks proves particularly effective, as it encourages reality checking during dreams, ultimately resulting in lucid dreaming. For instance, if you frequently encounter cats in your dreams, perform a reality check whenever you encounter a cat in your waking life —that will increase the chance to remember doing reality checks in your dreams.

Audio Cues

Did you know that your brain can still perceive stimuli while you sleep? Many people use sounds and autosuggestion to induce lucidity during sleep. Audio cues involve playing specific sounds or phrases throughout the night, introducing external signals into your dreams. Custom voice recordings, where you affirm that you are dreaming, yield optimal results because you hear your own voice reminding you to do a reality check.

Oniri enables you to schedule audio signals to play during specific intervals throughout the night. You can choose from a combination of bell sounds, music, or personalized voice recordings. These signals are typically scheduled for 2.5, 4, 5, or 6 hours after falling asleep—the ideal periods when you are likely to be in the midst of REM sleep, during which most dreams occur.


Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) involves waking up in the middle of the night to disrupt your REM sleep and intentionally returning to bed with the aim of experiencing a lucid dream. This method has several variations, allowing for experimentation with timing. WBTB is often combined with other techniques such as MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) or WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming). The underlying principle of WBTB is to increase mental alertness before returning to sleep, enhancing the likelihood of lucid dreaming.

Set an alarm for 5-6 hours after falling asleep. When you wake up, refrain from using your phone or any bright lights that may fully wake you up. Engage in quiet activities, read about lucid dreaming, visit the restroom, or meditate. Research suggests that the chances of lucid dreaming depend on the level of alertness rather than the specific activity. Therefore, approach this time mindfully and purposefully. Most individuals stay awake for durations ranging from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on personal preference. As you return to sleep, affirm to yourself that you will be lucid and aware of your dream state.

*Disclaimer: this method shouldn’t be used on a regular basis because it disrupts sleep quality**


Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) was among the first scientifically researched methods for inducing lucid dreams. This technique revolves around planting the intention to remember that you are dreaming into your mind. With MILD, you mentally rehearse a dream scenario while visualizing yourself becoming lucid, repeatedly reciting a mantra expressing the same intention—for example, "Next time I'm dreaming, I will remember that I am dreaming." MILD is one of the most reliable and versatile methods, often leading to incredible dream experiences.

It is particularly effective for beginners, requiring only a few minutes of mindfulness before bedtime. If you typically fall asleep quickly, consider sitting comfortably on your bed, turning off the lights, and practicing MILD for at least five minutes before lying down to sleep. Maintain the MILD practice as you drift off to sleep. Consistency is key, so strive to employ this technique nightly.To learn about other lucid dreaming techniques, read our past blog post on the Most Popular Lucid Dream Techniques.

Lucid Dreaming Techniques - Oniri App

Dream Awareness

Developing an increased awareness of dream patterns and their connections to waking life serves as a fundamental skill for lucid dreaming. Oniri provides valuable statistics about your dream content, offering a broader perspective that facilitates self-awareness. Heightened self-awareness in waking life correlates significantly with increased awareness within dreams. Many individuals attain lucidity simply by consistently recording their dreams on a daily basis.


If you are new to lucid dreaming, it is important to manage your expectations and avoid frustration if you are not immediately successful. Countless techniques for achieving lucidity can be found online, but it may take some trial and error to determine which methods work best for you. There is no definitive right or wrong, superior or inferior approach, as lucid dreaming is a personal practice, and outcomes vary based on individual goals and dreamwork.

At its core, lucid dreaming requires practice and consistency. Remain persistent and incorporate lucid dreaming into your daily routine. Numerous apps are available to assist with dream journaling, dream interpretation, and lucid dreaming. Selecting the most suitable app for your needs can be challenging. Oniri, developed by experienced lucid dreamers, stands as one of the pioneering dream-related apps.

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Start Your Dream Journal Now
We've developed the best app to keep a dream journal, featuring voice recording transcription and A.I. image generation. Keep track of emotions, people, context, and more with the Oniri app.
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Get a Personalized Analysis Of Your Dream
Each dream is unique, that's why we've developed a unique solution to analyze your dreams. Powered by A.I, based on psychological knowledge. Try it now in the Oniri app.
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Start Lucid Dreaming Now
We've developed tools to help you master lucid dreaming. From alarms and reminders to audio tracks and tutorials, we got you everything you need in the Oniri app.
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Start Exploring Your Dreams with Oniri
We've developed the best app for dream journaling, lucid dreaming, and dream analysis. Available on iOS and Android.
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